Community Foundation benefits from Lincoln/Healey Brothers, Inc. Driven to Give

photoLincoln Motor Company and Healey Brothers Automotive chose The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan to benefit from a Driven to Give fundraising event on December 7, 2013 at the Florida, NY branch of Walden Savings Bank.  Healey Brothers provided new Lincolns to be test-driven and for each test-drive taken, Lincoln Motor Company donated $20 to the Community Foundation. 59 test drives were taken and a donation of $1,180 was made to the Community Foundation.


The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan is a 501(c)(3) public charity that was created to help individuals, organizations, and businesses establish charitable endowment funds to benefit their community.  To create your own charitable endowment, to make a contribution to a scholarship fund, or to add to an existing named endowment fund, please contact the Community Foundation, Karen VanHouten Minogue, at (845) 769-9393, e-mail to, or visit



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