The Professional Advisors Council of the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan partnered with the Sullivan County Bar Association on January 16, 2014 to present a two-credit professional education seminar entitled: Beyond the Cliff-Beyond the Noise. The Seminar was presented with the assistance of the following sponsors: The Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County; Catania, Mahon Milligram & Rider, PLLC; Orange County Trust Company; Thomas and Carol Gorman; Matthew Watkins, US Wealth Management; Jacobowitz & Gubits, LLC; and Blustein, Shapiro, Rich & Barone, LLP.
The lecture and case study format covered: Not-for-Profit Entity Compliance presented by Nicholas Garin Esq., of the Office of the Attorney General, State of New York; The American Taxpayer Relief Act presented by Richard Shapiro, Blustein, Shapiro, Rich & Barone, LLP; Planned Giving and How to Help Your Clients Establish a Charitable Fund presented by Karen VanHouten Minogue, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan. The seminar was facilitated by Maureen Crush, Esq., of de Ramon Crush, PC.
The seminar took place at BHR (Bernie’s Holiday Restaurant) and was followed by a dinner meeting of the Sullivan County Bar Association.
The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan is a 501(c)(3) public charity that was created to help individuals, organizations, and businesses establish charitable endowment funds to benefit their community. More than 165 individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofit organizations have chosen the Community Foundation to help them accomplish their charitable dreams. Each fund impacts our communities—providing support for a multitude of people and organizations in ways that matter. To create your own charitable endowment, please contact the Community Foundation, Karen VanHouten Minogue, at (845) 769-9393, e-mail to, or visit
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