Montgomery, NY – The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan has received accreditation with the nation’s highest standard for philanthropic excellence. National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations™ establish legal, ethical, effective practices for community foundations. “Meeting all 500-plus National Standards benchmarks is a rigorous, comprehensive process,” said Karen Minogue, President and CEO of the Community Foundation. “This accreditation is a significant accomplishment that says the Community Foundation has demonstrated a commitment to quality, integrity and accountability, and documented its policies for donor services, investments, grantmaking and administration.” The rigorous accreditation process provides quality assurance to donors and to their legal and financial advisors.
“This is critically important to our donors,” said Derrik R. Wynkoop, Board Chairman of the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan. “When donors make a charitable bequest or establish a fund, they are putting their trust in us. They are counting on us to manage the investment wisely, honor their charitable wishes and, in some cases, provide lifetime income to a loved one. The National Standards accreditation says our house is in order.”
The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan offers a range of charitable funds, allowing donors to advance a cause, support an individual organization, provide flexible support for community needs or recommend individual grants. National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations™ is the first program of its kind for charitable foundations in the United States.
The Foundation has empowered donors to make a profound difference in the quality of life in our region with the creation of over 200 funds that will provide grants and scholarships forever! Since 1999, the Foundation has been an effective steward of the community’s charitable resources and has been a leader in the administration of scholarships, and grantmaking for the benefit of nonprofit organizations in Orange and Sullivan Counties, and beyond. For more information, please call (845) 769-9393 or visit