Planned Giving Options

Why Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan?

There are many not-for-profit organizations and programs worthy of your consideration. The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan represents the ultimate form of philanthropy. Your gift to the Community Foundation benefits our entire community and ensures a stronger future for Orange and Sullivan counties.


Please explore some of these options below:


Maintain full control of your resources during your lifetime and reduce your taxable estate by remembering Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan in your will or living trust.
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Gifts of Life Insurance
Earn an immediate income tax deduction and a possible premium deduction by designating Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
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Gifts of Retirement Plans
By naming Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan as the beneficiary of your retirement account, such as a 403(b) or traditional IRA, you can avoid passing on heavy income and estate taxes to your heirs.


Gifts of Real Estate
Transfer the burden of managing a property and the expense of taxes by giving a gift of real estate to Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan.
Click here to learn more…


Charitable Remainder Trust
Provide a lifetime income to you and/or a loved one and earn a current income tax deduction with a gift of cash or property to Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan.
Click here to learn more…


Charitable Lead Trust 
Build a charitable fund with the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan during your lifetime and designate anyone you choose as the final beneficiary of your trust upon your passing.
Click here to learn more…


 Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan is not engaged in rendering legal, financial, or tax advice. Information in our publications and on our website is provided as a service to provide general information about charitable giving. Please consult your financial or legal advisor.