Honigsbaum-Caplan-Bensley Scholarship Available to College Students

The Honigsbaum-Caplan-Bensley Scholarship is available to a current full-time college student:  1) with a cumulative average of 3.6, 2) who is a U.S. citizen or foreign born non-U.S. citizen intent on becoming a U.S. citizen, 3) in need of emergency financial assistance who has exhausted all other avenues of financial assistance.  Applications and accompanying documentation must be postmarked or received electronically to admin@cfosny.org by
October 1, 2015.
This scholarship is offered through the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan.
Student must exhibit the values and life skills necessary for productive citizenship, and will have shown an ability to develop their potential for success in business, academia, government and/or any other category. The scholarship may be used for tuition and college fees, books, transportation, housing, food, and living expenses.
Click here to download the application.  E-mail, fax, or mail all completed applications and required attachments to the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, 30 Scott’s Corners Drive, Suite 203, Montgomery, NY 12549  (Fax) 845-769-9391.  Any questions may be directed to the Community Foundation at 845-769-9393.