Make a Difference Fund Announces Sullivan County Grant Recipients for 2016

The Make a Difference Fund was established by the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan to provide grants to local organizations that provide services and programs to children of low-income, disadvantaged or distressed families. In 2016, grants were awarded to programs focused in the area of the environment. Each summer, the Distribution Committee, comprised of the Foundation’s Board Members and community volunteers, reviews a high volume of applications to determine which organizations will receive grants in Orange and Sullivan counties.

The board of directors is proud to announce the 2016 Sullivan County grant recipients from the Make a Difference Fund:

Sullivan County Head Start – a grant of $1,500 for their Discovery Library Project to help enhance existing programs, such as Earth Day, gardening/planting and the butterfly garden.

North American Cultural Laboratory, Inc.  –a grant of $1,000 to help fund their performances of “The Little Farm Show” for low income families in Sullivan County.

Frank Basile and Allison Simpson of Sullivan County Head Start receive a check from CFOS President and CEO, Elizabeth Rowley.








Photo Caption: Julio Garaicoechea and Tannis Kowalchuk of NACL receive a check from CFOS President and CEO, Elizabeth Rowley.









Contributions to The Make A Difference Fund may be made to CFOS-Make A Difference Fund and sent to the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, 30 Scott’s Corners Drive, Suite 203, Montgomery, NY 12549. Secure online donations may also be made at The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  All gifts are tax deductible under current tax laws. For more information, call the Community Foundation at (845) 769-9393.