The Anne F. Bourne Memorial Fund awarded a $7,000 grant to Mount Saint Mary College for their Higher Education Opportunities Program. This program provides education opportunities and support to underserved students.
Donor Fund Representatives, Wilbur Higgins and John Smith Sr., stated the support from the Anne F. Bourne Memorial Fund serves as a critical resource in their ongoing efforts to raise educational awareness and opportunity in the City of Newburgh.
Originally, created through a bequest of Anne F. Bourne, this fund provides grants to nonprofit organizations for “programs for the spiritual, moral and general improvement of economically disadvantaged residents of the City of Newburgh.”
The Anne F. Bourne Memorial Fund is facilitated through the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, a 501(c)(3) public charity that was created to help individuals, organizations, and businesses establish charitable endowments within their community. The Community Foundation has begun its 15th year of charitable leadership and philanthropy. The Foundation has significantly increased local charitable funds and empowered donors to make a profound difference in the quality of life in our region with the creation of over 170 funds that will provide grants and scholarships forever! Since 1999, the Foundation has been an effective steward of the community’s charitable resources and has been a leader in the administration of scholarships, and grant making for the benefit of nonprofit organizations in Orange and Sullivan Counties, and beyond.