Montgomery, NY – The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan has appointed Robert Quinlan as a member of the Community Foundation’s Finance and Investment Committee. Quinlan is a New Windsor insurance professional who is the owner of Quinlan Care LLC. He specializes in life and health insurance, and instructs for a national provider of insurance licensing. He holds an MBA degree from New York University, a MS degree in special education from Kansas State University, and a BS degree in business from Seton Hall University. He is vice president of the board of directors of the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra and oversees the Orchestra’s investment fund.
“We are delighted to have Mr. Quinlan as a new member of the Finance Committee. His talents and expertise will benefit our charitable work in the community,” said Foundation board president
Derrik R. Wynkoop. The primary goal of the Community Foundation is to improve the quality of life by offering uniquely personal service, local knowledge and professional investment and grant making expertise that help donors make a lasting difference through their giving.
The Finance and Investment Committee is comprised of board members and non-board members with financial backgrounds who oversee all financial and investment matters of the Foundation. The Community Foundation currently administers a pool of nearly $10 million in over 155 charitable funds on behalf of individuals, families, businesses, and organizations.
To learn more about the Community Foundation call 769-9393 or visit