In the 2012-2013 academic year, the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan awarded over $101,000 in scholarships to 20 school districts throughout Orange, Sullivan and Ulster Counties. These scholarships, awarded to more than 60 students, were made possible through the charitable funds the Community Foundation administers.
For the 2013-2014 academic year, the following scholarships are available in the following school districts and institutions.
Calvary Christian School
- Ian C. Bennett-Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
Chapel Field Christian School
- Ian C. Bennett-Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
Chester Union Free School District
- Ian C. Bennett-Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Rudolph Vallet Science and Education Memorial Scholarship – $500
Cornwall Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett-Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- Edward C. Moulton, Jr.; Cornwall Alumni Scholarship – $250
- Cornwall Central High School Scholar’s Fund Award(Top Scholar)-$1,000
- Cornwall Central High School Scholar’s Fund Award(Top Science Scholar)-$1,000
- Cornwall Central High School Scholar’s Fund Award(Top Math Scholar)-$1,000
Eldred Central School District
- Sheila Birkett Gift of Life Scholarship Fund-$500
- Earle and Elizabeth Wilde-Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$2,000
- Skoda Family Scholarship Fund at Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$500
Fallsburg Central School District
- Milton Brizel Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Samuel Beytin Fallsburgh Central Scholarship- two awards at $2,000 each
- Edward Byran Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Blossom Cohen Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Candy Gold Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Esthyr Mintz Flanagan Memorial Scholarship – $1,000
- Nancy Solomon Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Elissa Lippen/Matthew Helm Memorial Scholarship Fund-$1,000
- Earle and Elizabeth Wilde-Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$2,000
- Skoda Family Scholarship Fund at Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$500
Florida Union Free School District
- Ian C. Bennett-Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
Goshen Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- Charlene Klieverik Memorial Scholarship Fund-$250
- Erin Ortiz Memorial Scholarship – two awards at $500 each
- Joshua Stamm Memorial Scholarship Fund – $1,000
- Jane Unhjem Memorial Scholarship Fund-$1,000
Harmony Christian School
- Ian C. Bennett-Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
Highland Falls Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Abraham and Judith Kopald and Jonathan R. Kopald Memorial Scholarship – two awards at $1,000 each
John S. Burke Catholic High School
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- The David Racine Scholarship Fund-$1,000
Marlboro Central School District
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
Middletown Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Jennifer Newton Memorial Scholarship – $1,500
- David E. Phillips Music Scholarship – $500
- Women’s University Club of Middletown Scholarship – $1,000
- Middletown High School AoF/AoIT Sch. End. Fund-up to $2,500
Minisink Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Caitlin M. Hammaren Memorial Foundation and Arts Institute Scholarship – $1,000
Monroe-Woodbury School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Justin T. Dimino Memorial Scholarship Fund – $1,000
- Susan Gunther Memorial Scholarship Fund – $1,000
Monticello High School
- Blake and Dorothy Washington Scholarship Fund-two awards at $1,000 each
- Ashley and Sierra Memorial Scholarship Fund-two awards at $5,000 each
- Earle and Elizabeth Wilde-Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$2,000
- Skoda Family Scholarship Fund at Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$500
Newburgh Enlarged City School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- The Carly Fund Scholarship – two awards at $1,000 each
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- David S. MacFarland Scholarship – $1,000
- Archie Stewart Rotary Scholarship – $1,000
New Paltz Central School District
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
Orange-Ulster BOCES
- Caitlin M. Hammaren Memorial Foundation and Arts Institute Fund (Culinary Arts Program) – $250
- Allison Klepper Memorial Scholarship-$500
Pine Bush Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Michelle Renee Bratton Memorial Scholarship – $2,500
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- Scott F. Coen Memorial Scholarship – $300
- Pine Bush Alumni Scholarship – $500
- John Christopher Smith Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Isidore and Ethel Wittenberg Memorial Scholarship – $200
Port Jervis City School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Oscar B. Greenleaf Memorial Scholarship – $20,000
- Lillian J. Bauer Scholarship – one award at $10,000 and a second award at $5,000
- Winifred Dunwald Memorial Scholarship- two awards at $10,000 to be disbursed over four years
Ramapo Central School District
- FF Denis P. Germain Memorial Scholarship – two awards at $500 each
Storm King School
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
Sullivan County
- Sullivan Renaissance Scholarship – amount varies
- Earle and Elizabeth Wilde-Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$2,000
- Skoda Family Scholarship Fund at Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$500
Sullivan West
- Earle and Elizabeth Wilde-Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$2,000
- Skoda Family Scholarship Fund at Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$500
SUNY Orange (Orange County Community College)
- Caitlin M. Hammaren Memorial Foundation and Arts Institute Scholarship – $250
- Spencer McLaughlin Scholarship – $850
- The E.Bash Soderlund and Barbara Soderlund (Women’s University Club of Middletown) Mentoring Fund-$1,000
Tri-Valley Central School District
- Matthew R. Bertholf Scholarship Fund-$1,000
- Earle and Elizabeth Wilde-Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$2,000
- Skoda Family Scholarship Fund at Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County-$500
Tuxedo High School
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
Valley Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- Dr. Morton I. Blackman Scholarship – The Meyer and Lillian Jacobowitz Memorial Fund – $150
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- Corinne Feller Memorial Scholarship – $3,000
- John D. Garrison Memorial Scholarship (Walden Savings Bank) – $1,000
- The Meyer and Lillian Jacobowitz Business Scholarship – $500
- John Mazur Memorial Scholarship – four awards at $2,000 each
- Michael Purcell Scholarship Fund – $250
Wallkill Central School District
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- The Edward Edsall Scholarship – The Meyer and Lillian Jacobowitz Memorial Fund – $250
- John D. Garrison Memorial Scholarship (Walden Savings Bank) – $1,000
- The Meyer and Lillian Jacobowitz Scholarship – $150
Warwick Valley School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- Alison Klepper Memorial Scholarship – $500
- Anthony C. Quinn Memorial Scholarship – $750
- John P. Williamson Scholarship – two awards at $1,000 each
- Jodi’s Drive Scholarship Fund-$750
Washingtonville Central School District
- Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund – $1,000*
- David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship – $2,500**
- Michael Purcell Scholarship Fund – $250
- Washingtonville V World Trade Center Memorial Firefighters Scholarship – five awards at $500 each
Scholarship applications are available through school district guidance offices and college financial aid offices.
Please note:
*The Ian C. Bennett – Situation Cares Memorial Fund Scholarship will award one $1,000 scholarship to a graduating student selected from the 20 schools offering the scholarship.
**The David T. Cocks Walden Savings Bank Scholarship will award one $2,500 scholarship to a graduating student selected from the 13 schools offering the scholarship.
The Community Foundation has begun its 15th year of charitable leadership and philanthropy. The Foundation has significantly increased local charitable funds and empowered donors to make a profound difference in the quality of life in our region. Since 1999, the Foundation has been an effective steward of the community’s charitable resources and has been a leader in the administration of scholarships, and grant making for the benefit of nonprofit organizations in Orange and Sullivan Counties, and beyond. SAVE THE DATE: Mark your calendar today for this very special event during the Community Foundation’s 15th anniversary year! November 19, 2014 15th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Reception honoring Monticello Motor Club and Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine with the David T. Cocks Award for Commitment to Community. Presenting Philanthropy Sponsor: Crystal Run Healthcare