New fund will support group’s local TEDx events,
providing a platform for powerful stories from the Goshen community.
MONTGOMERY, N.Y. (December 5, 2022) – The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan (CFOS) recently added the TEDxGoshen Fund to its family of funds, providing a fundraising vehicle for local TEDxGoshen events.
TEDx is a worldwide movement, providing a framework that brings together communities for independently-organized, short, carefully prepared talks that are idea-focused, and cover a wide range of subjects to foster learning, inspiration, and wonder – and provoke conversations that matter.
TEDxGoshen aims to cultivate “ideas worth spreading” by providing a platform where voices in the community are empowered to speak directly to a live local audience and create a global impact with digital distribution to millions of TEDx subscribers and fans.
“We take pride in being a new component fund of the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, an organization that shares our values and provides key support for TEDx Goshen,” said Eric Harris, TEDxGoshen Organizer. “The entire CFOS team has provided helpful guidance, shrewd advice, and viable solutions.”
“The Community Foundation is honored to support TEDxGoshen’s innovative mission,” said CFOS Content and Creative Consultant Nicole Feller Lee. “And like all our component funds, TEDxGoshen falls under the Community Foundation’s 501(c)(3) umbrella status so all donations are tax deductible.”
Funds raised for TEDxGoshen will be used to cover the technical costs of hosting biennial events, as well as coaching and other assistance for speakers.
Its next event planned for June 8, 2023, is fittingly branded ‘Brick by Brick’ as it will serve as a platform for members of the Goshen community to share their complex stories piece by piece.
“We are thrilled to be hosting TEDxGoshen to elevate the voices of people in our community,” said TEDxGoshen Co-Organizer Jonathan Redeker. “It takes a lot to pull off an event of this caliber, and we are thrilled that the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan will stand behind and provide support so we can take this event to new heights!”
“A beautiful blend of inspiration and optimism, TEDxGoshen: Brick by Brick will showcase the power of our small town as speakers share their complex stories piece by piece,” added Harris. “This is a powerful and uplifting evening. Not only will our speakers change the way our audience thinks about the world, but they might even be able to change the world itself.”
As the TEDxGoshen Fund grows, the plan is to additionally distribute scholarships for Goshen High School graduates who have positively impacted their community.
To learn more about the TEDxGoshen Fund or donate, please visit
For more information or to register for the June 8, 2023, TEDxGoshen Brick by Brick event, visit