
We asked our fund representatives what they love about us and why they put their trust in us. Here’s what they had to say:

“My good friend, Spencer McLaughlin was a true believer and a leader of our community. Following his passing at way too young an age, there was no better way to say thank you to Spencer for his leadership than establishing a charitable fund in his memory. I hope that continues to fund his commitment to our community for many years to come.” – Alan Seidman, Spencer McLaughlin Fund

“The Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra believes that the Community Foundation provides a valuable service to the non-profits in the Hudson River Valley. During the past year, we increased our assets under the management by the CFOS by approximately $25,000, and were delighted that Elizabeth Rowley could deliver a short presentation at the luncheon that kicked off our Planned Giving Initiative.”
-John Bliss, Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra Fund

“We desired an ongoing memorial recognition for our fathers that provided help to young people considering a future in agriculture. CFOS gave us the opportunity to have professional guidance every step of the way and the peace of mind that the process would be perpetuated into the future.” -Jeff Crist, Edward R. and J. Roscoe Crist Memorial Scholarship Fund

“We had a vision and a need to create a fund that would support adults with Autism. I was told that it would be a monumental task and a lot of money to get that vision created. I was advised to give CFOS a call and see if they can help. It took one meeting, about an hour and our fund was created! I was blown away by the ease, the support, and the oversight that CFOS provided and continues to provide.”
-Jay Anthony, Jay & Carol Anthony Foundation for Autism Support

“The Community Foundation provided a one stop shop to expedite the establishment of the legal, financial entities while providing the ongoing administrative services. A few months later, we were on stage presenting our first scholarship. It’s been a rewarding 15 years, and we’ve never looked back.” -William J. Bratton, Michelle Renee Bratton Memorial Scholarship Fund

“It has been almost six years since our family’s tragedy. We began our unique relationship with the Community Foundation shortly after. How do we memorialize our beloved sixteen year old son, grandson, brother…? With the guidance and support of CFOS we established a Memorial Scholarship Fund in Justin’s memory. It fills our hearts to know we can share our annual fundraising effort – WALK FOR JUSTIN – with young students from the community who comforted and supported us – 8 scholarships have been awarded to date. Community Foundation paved the way and provided the support and expertise necessary for us to achieve our goal – all in memory of Justin!”
-Camille Stack, Justin T. Dimino Memorial Scholarship Fund

“When establishing the Corinne Feller Memorial Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research and Awareness, I chose to work with the Community Foundation because I wanted the peace of mind of knowing that administrative challenges would be professionally handled.” 
-Nicole Feller Lee, Corinne Feller Memorial Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research and Awareness

“The Community Foundation has always been there to make sure our family’s fund receives individualized attention, from guidance regarding the fund’s creation & scholarship criteria, to helping us organize fundraising events, to providing opportunities for networking and growing our fund. The staff is attentive and responsive, and even though they administer countless other funds, they interact with us in a way that always makes us feel that our goals are top priority.” -The Stamm Family, Joshua Stamm Memorial Scholarship Fund

“We joined the family of CFOS almost 10 years ago when our son Keith unexpectedly passed away at 20 years from a debilitating progressive disease. Although Keith was physically compromised, unbeknownst to us, our son was mentoring people his age on-line on how to deal with their disabilities. CFOS has given us the opportunity to become the “voice” that our son no longer could be through giving grants to various organizations for people in need.” -Sadler and Sheila Hayes, The Keith B. Hayes Foundation

“When my husband passed suddenly and tragically I had no idea what to do. The Community Foundation was not only a great shoulder to lean on, but gave me such support and ideas to really carry on my husband’s legacy. His memory of love, giving, determination and spirit is now being carried on in such a special way that I wouldn’t have been able to do on my own. The Community Foundation has really helped me heal and share his dreams with so many more people and for that I will be forever grateful.” -Heather Howley, Marius Ivascu Aviation Foundation

“With the help of donations such as yours, the pantry is able to provide emergency food for an average of 200 families per month in the Valley Central School District including over 200 children under the age of 18. We would be unable to provide this service without your continued support.” -Judy Gridley, Montgomery Food Pantry, on receiving a grant from the St. Pat’s Ramble Fund.

“Pets Alive is honored to be a recipient of the Hudson Valley Animal Shelter Grant and are thankful to the Rowe Family who created this opportunity for animal welfare organizations in our region. We will use the funds to procure a snow blower to help clear our vast property during the winter months so we can quickly and safely get into the buildings to care for the animals at our facility.” – Becky Tegze, Executive Director, Pets Alive, on receiving a grant from the Hudson Valley Animal Shelter Fund.

“Thanks to your generosity, we will meet our mission to assist those with mobility needs through education, information and product acquisition. Your support will allow us to assist individuals and families achieve their goal of mobility freedom! Thank you again for your your support of The Ralph Braun Foundation.” – Andrea Vrobel, The Ralph Braun Foundation, on receiving a grant from The Keith B. Hayes Foundation.

“As someone who is involved with many community activities, I always think of The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan first. CFOS is a great partner! They make everything smooth and easy. The committees to raise money to help the families of the Marines lost in the tragic plan mishap earlier this year, as well as the committee that sponsors the Military Appreciation Picnic at Stewart both partner with CFOS. More than “an organization,” the staff of CFOS are phenomenal to work with.” – Alan Seidman, The Military Appreciation Day Fund.