Pine Bush, NY – The ATB (Alexander Thomas Blazeski) Legacy Fund recently awarded a $500 grant to the Pine Bush Bombers Little League team to use for uniforms, baseballs and expenses for the team to travel to Cooperstown Dreams Park. Cooperstown Dreams Park is a national invitational youth baseball tournament held in Cooperstown, NY, home of the Baseball Hall of Fame.
The ATB Legacy Fund was created in honor of Alexander Thomas Watkins Blazeski, 16, of Pine Bush, who passed away from injuries suffered in a tragic snowmobile accident at his home on January 19, 2013. According to Alex’s parents, Rich and Allison, “The ATB Legacy Fund is a testament to Alexander’s legacy of selflessness, genuine concern, and respect for all, young and old. He had a big heart, lived a life that was good, and thrived on helping others. Some of Alexander’s friends and extended family called him ‘the little shepherd’ because of his benevolence.” The ATB Legacy Fund was established within the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan to provide grants to nonprofit organizations that support or sponsor youth-centered programs and projects.
About the Community Foundation of Orange County:
The Community Foundation has begun its 15th year of charitable leadership and philanthropy. The Foundation has significantly increased local charitable funds and empowered donors to make a profound difference in the quality of life in our region with the creation of over 175 funds that will provide grants and scholarships forever! Since 1999, the Foundation has been an effective steward of the community’s charitable resources and has been a leader in the administration of scholarships, and grant making for the benefit of nonprofit organizations in Orange and Sullivan Counties, and beyond.
Contributions to the ATB Legacy Fund may be made to CFOS-The ATB Legacy Fund and sent to the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan, 30 Scott’s Corners Drive, Suite 202, Montgomery, NY 12549. Secure online donations may also be made at www.cfoc-ny.org. The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All gifts are tax deductible under current tax laws.
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