The Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan is pleased to announce its newest President’s Circle member – Walden Federal Savings and Loan Association. “Walden Federal has been a long time supporter of the Community Foundation’s mission and its programs,” said Karen VanHouten, Executive Director.
According to Walden Federal’s president Tom Gibney, “Walden Federal’s loyal and committed director, Gerald N. Jacobowitz, Esq., recently assumed the position of President of the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation, further enhancing Walden Federal’s commitment to community.”
The primary goal of the Community Foundation is to connect people who care with causes that matter. “We achieve this goal with the help of a large volunteer support system of Board members and working committees. Board members are selected because their professional and volunteer spheres of influence are compatible with the needs of the Foundation,” said Board President Gerald N. Jacobowitz.
The President’s Circle represents a group of 66 community-minded individuals, businesses, and organizations that provide ongoing support of the Community Foundation in growing charitable funds that strengthen local nonprofit organizations and provide scholarships to students. President’s Circle Members provide an annual commitment of $1,000 or more to support the work of the Foundation. Membership is open to all. To join, please call the Community Foundation office at 769-9393.
Through the vision of its founders, the Community Foundation has helped charitable minded individuals, businesses, and organizations create 92 charitable funds. Those charitable funds have provided over $1.6 million in grants and scholarships, and over $4.5 million in pass-through grants, to worthy community nonprofit initiatives. For more information about starting a charitable fund or to become a member of The President’s Circle, please call 769-9393, visit or e-mail