RedTail Flight Academy Fund

Date Established: August 16, 2021


RFA is a Tuskegee Airmen-inspired pipeline to career possibilities for underrepresented people of color. 


RFA uses aviation as an aspirational platform to 
recruit, develop, expose, and place talent —
 with an emphasis on candidates of color in honor of the Tuskegee Airmen

In a daunting forecast, by 2031, there will be an anticipated shortage of more than a half-million (500,000) U.S. pilots in domestic and international air travel. The RedTail Flight Academy (RFA) was launched in September 2021 to help meet that pilot demand and develop a pipeline of diverse aviators to answer it.

Inspired by the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, the Major General Irene Trowell-Harris Tuskegee Airmen Chapter based in New Windsor, NY has provided over two decades of mentoring and aviation experience to more than 900 students of color and underrepresented talent. 

Building on those 20-plus years of experience, RFA’s aviation scholarship programs now offer a bridge and connect underserved talent of color to careers in Aviation and Aerospace as a response to the industry’s lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Our programs rely solely on private donations, corporate sponsors, grants, and the generosity of chapter volunteers.  Support is essential to our ability to provide opportunities for deserving, diverse, aspiring aviators to thrive, grow and develop as leaders.

We are proud of the progress we have achieved with the support from generous partners and dedicated ambassadors.  

We invite you to partner with us in our efforts to #DiversifytheSky!

Below is a link to a brief video about our program:  

RedTail Flight Academy Video