Date Established: June 4, 2014
The purpose and goal of this fund is to support the creation, development and presentation of art, music, history and other cultural programs and community service activities in the Town of Deerpark, Orange County, NY and in the surrounding communities.
The Town of Deerpark Museum building, The Neversink Valley Grange building, or a building owned or operated by a religious or other not-for-profit 501(c)(3) shall be considered as primary venues for such events, it being the intention to support programs and activities in these facilities if possible. Programs and activities may be funded at other facilities within the Town or surrounding community if the primary venues are not approved, not available, or not suited for the program.
The following are examples of programs and activities that may be funded:
-small grants to artists, musicians, historians, writers and others who are residents of the community, or who are involved with a project concerning the community, and who will perform or give a program about their work;
-individual or group art shows;
-music concerts or performances;
-a film series or single showing;
-lectures, talks and presentations by writers, teachers, historians and other professional or knowledgeable individuals.